Know cash-flowing companies looking for capital?

Send them our way!

Introduce your referral to me, and I’ll pay you 10% of fees on deals we fund.

Scout & earn 10%

We looked far and wide at different company referral programs and found most of them insufficient. We wanted to create a lot of value for our community, so we came up with the following structure to reward our scouts.

Get paid 10%

You get 10% of our fees on every deal we fund for a company you introduced us to.
All it takes is a direct introduction and we handle the rest.

Learn and grow

Get invited to our quarterly Scout dinners in LA, Miami, San Francisco, New York City and Cleveland (my home base)! We curate people with fascinating backgrounds and incredible networks with only two agenda items:
We believe business flows naturally from great connections that have nothing to do with business.

Take a break

Thought we were done? We’ll send the Scout with the most referred deals every year on an all-expenses trip anywhere you like (up to $15,000 with a minimum of 5 referred deals).

How to participate

A growing network

As a scout in the Small Co Capital network, we want you to learn and grow.  
Today we have a network of over 500 scouts who are founders, investors, lawyers, advisors and more. If there’s something you need help with, let me personally know and I’ll find the right person to connect you to. 

Invite a friend

Lastly, if you invite a friend that also becomes a scout, you’ll get 5% of the fees we generate on the first five deals they send our way.


Ready to become a scout?

Send us a message and we’ll get started!

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